Tuesday, April 27, 2010

5 months!

My baby is 5 months old...*tear*. How did that happen, people!?
Just this past weekend, I was nursing Lily at church in the cry room and three other babies were in there and they were all significantly younger than Lily. This is the first time that Lily was the older one and they were all asking me questions. I got so sad and suddenly missed my little bitty girl. Lily now streches all the way across the boppy pillow and pushes her little feet against the glider while I'm feeding her. When do they grow? Even so! I wouldn't trade my sweet girl and the memories we've made for anything. And if I were honest, those newborn days were really hard and I wouldn't want to go backwards. Lily is so fun and so sweet at five months! She is a happy, laid back baby. Usually, all you have to do to get a smile is to look her in the eyes and say something and she lights up!

I just took her five month pictures today. My heart started to ache as I watched her eat her little "5 month" sign. I love her so much! To get to be home each day and watch her grow and develop is such a priveledge and something that I hope to never take for granted.

Recenty, my friend was visiting and said to me that she thought Lily and I were soul mates. I'm not sure what made her say that, but it was so precious to me because I have had so many fears about mothering a daughter. It was a sweet reminder that the Lord knows my heart and knows that I have those fears. He is so good to gently encourage me. Nothing would thrill me more than to have that sort of relationship with her.

Lily, at 5 months old:

-You weigh about 16 lbs. and are 26'' tall. Your head circumference is 43.75cm.

-You wear size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes, but have and wear some 6 month onesies.

-Since 3.5 months, you have been sleeping through the night.

-You go to bed at 7:30, have a feeding at 11 and then wake up at 7:15am. You wake up and start the day by talking to yourself very loudly. Sometimes I think you are telling us to come get you! It always wakes us up with a smile! When your daddy or I go to get you, you give us the biggest smile. It's a great way to start the day!

-You nap 3 times a day at 8:30, 11:30, 3:30. Sometimes you take a catnap around 5:30. You are sleeping around 1.5 hours at each nap, except for the catnap.

-You love baths, but they are getting difficult because you are getting so big. You wiggle and squirm to look around and take everything in. I know this will just continue. It's a lot of fun!
-Your favorite toys are your stuffed lamb, your Baby Einstein gym and all the dodads attached to it, your rings, and any blanket or burp cloth you can rub on your face. Really, anything you can get in your mouth. You haven't gotten to the point where you are picking things up off the floor and putting them in your mouth, but I know it's coming. Not looking forward to that!
-You love to put your fingers in your mouth. You haven't favored one finger over another, just any one or two or three will do! You are a slobber factory and your onesies are always soaked. I am constantly wiping your mouth. When I do, you attempt to eat the burp cloth!!

-You are almost too big for your vibro chair, but I still put you in it. You push up on it and then slip down because you are so wiggly. Your days in that chair are numbered, for sure!

-You like your jumperoo, but you don't quite jump yet. Your feet touch the ground and every once and a while you make some bouncing-like moves and make the music go and you smile really big. I usually put you in that when I am vacuuming or cleaning the house or showering. I can see that toy becoming more and more of a favorite.

-You sit happily in mommy and daddy's laps. It's very nice that you aren't squirmy or wanting to be up and moving when you're on our laps. Very thankful for a content baby!!

-You know your name. If someone is calling your name, you look around for them.

-You are starting to prefer mommy or daddy to hold you. Depending on the time of day, you sometimes fuss if someone else holds you.

-We've taken two trips this past month and you did great. You visited your aunties and cousin in Austin and then visited your grandparents in OKC for your baby dedication. You did so great and I am slowly building confidence that you can tolerate some trips.

-At resteraunts you do great until right before the food comes. You can stay in your seat and then you start to fuss just in time for us to eat. Once you are in our laps, you do fine. I'm getting really good at eating, drinking, and doing everything with one hand.

-You don't have any teeth yet.

-We are working on sitting up every day. We are trying to get the tripod down so for your 6 month pictures you can sit next to your bear instead of in the bumbo.

-You haven't rolled from back to front yet, but you have mastered the front to back. You are getting more comfortable with tummy time. Usually you "talk" the most when we put you on our chest on your tummy.

-I am thinking of starting you on rice cereal this weekend. It makes me sad, but I think you are ready.

-You have a bald spot on the back of your head, but your hair will grow back as soon as you sit up more. We are working on it.

-You are absolutely beautiful! You look just like your daddy, which gives me so much joy!

-You smile a lot! You laugh, but you don't belly laugh very often. When you do, you light up our hearts!!

-Your daddy and I call you baby girl, beautiful, baby, sweetness. He is smitten with you and can't wait to see you when he comes home from work. I have to stop him from waking you up when he comes home from lunch because he wants to see you so badly. You are daddy's girl for sure, which is something I desired so much for you both!

-Our friends fight over getting to babysit you. We have a waiting list!

-You are loved by everyone who knows you!!
I love you, baby! You are such a delight to your daddy and I.
P.S. Stop growing up!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Now this is important...

Okay, can we take a break from all the cuteness to help me with a shallow, self-serving decision. Help me decide between these four dresses for Chris' upcoming graduation.

Number one Number two Number three Number four

Aren't you excited to be involved in such an important and life altering decision!!

Thanks for helping me decide!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010